Who out there is using Facebook? You may be just using Facebook to keep in contact with family and friends. Do you know the potential of using this awesome site for your business. It is quite easy to use and get more leads to your business for something that you already do. What is that? I’m talking about making friends and making relationships with other people. Face it you wouldn’t approach a complete stranger and tell them about your business proposition and get them to join you or to buy your products/services. How much easier would it be if you would make a real relationship with others and show them that you are  interested in a relationship with them instead of just making your next buck.

You should be thinking about Branding yourself and not your business. The only way that you can build your business is to brand your name. How can you do this? It is all about you. What I mean by saying this, is that people do not care about what you are promoting as a business. They want to know about you and what you can help them with (ie, training, how to do something, bring value and development, etc.) and most importantly they want to know that they can trust you. If you don’t gain their trust and they do not know anything about you then you will not be able to get them to do anything at all.

Then now is the time to replace the tactics that you know have not been working for you. Do you want to learn a proven way to use Facebook to promote and build your business.  Get you Exclusive Facebook Training and Become Famous with Facebook in 60days!